

Times were evil.  (Normal??)…  Corruption in political dealings     formalism in worship … poor being oppressed because poor -- rich not living to use / enjoy $,  etc., etc.,


Problem -- what is your life based upon?  Answer,  seen in what you turn to at such times.  Or, for some, what you turn against! 


Book actually divides itself into two parts --

1.    The first part is to teach the transitory nature of things so that Godly people will learn that these are NOT the important things of life!  When such things don't pan out -- when they fail to satisfy -- when they disappear -- such is life under the sun!  (comment on phrase)


2.    Some practical observations about life during such evil times -- warnings and encouragement…

a.     dealing with sorrow -- ch. 7

b.    Value of wisdom / self restraint during trials -- ch. 7

c.     Submission / respect to king (even if evil) -- ch.8

d.    Realize inability to fathom the whole of God's dealings -- ch. 8 - 9

e.     Exhortation to benevolence / prudent behavior in business -- ch. 11


This is NOT a discouraging book -- but one of practical exhortation during such times.


1.    Need to realize the temporary nature of things --  'prologue,'  1:1-11!

a.     hence, 'fleeting',  'transitory',  'vanity' …  James 4:14 -- a vapor….

b.    Such temporary nature of things then seen in cycles ….  

c.     Such temporary nature of things then depicted as 'under the sun' --

1.    In one sense -- wisdom doesn't change much in that we still DIE -- 2:15

2.    YET, wisdom IS BETTER for going through THIS LIFE -- 2:13


2.    In fact, the writer does ENCOURAGE the enjoyment of life on several different occasions -- but with the correct understanding / footing.


a.     2:10,  24,  etc….

b.    Rejoice young man in thy youth -- 11:9 --

c.     That understanding / footing is that there is something more to life than that which is 'under the sun' -- cp.,  11:9  with  12:1!   --- 


Three principles of such enjoyment --

1.    Concerning 'riches' -- Enjoy for self -- not know who leave it to…


2.    Concerning riches -- right to enjoy dependant upon a high power --  cp. 6:2

a.    All things from God -- Jas. 1:17;  Deut. 8:18

b.    Not know the plans of God -- limited by experience, time, wisdom --



3.    Hence - the providence of God to be considered - 9:1,   7:13-14

a.    God deals with me -- but with others ALSO! 3:1-9

b.    While not understand -- it exerciseth the soul -- 3:10-11

c.    Keep on trusting God --


Learn to be diligent in my duty --   2:10, 24;   3:13; 22;   5:18-20;   8:14;   9:10


Learn humility -- 

a.     Race not always to swift -- time and chance happen to ALL,   7:13-22


Live joyfully with wife / children  6:7-12 --   i.e.,   family is important…

The problem of putting work / $$ as the important part of life --


a.    3 sorrows with wealth -

1.    sorrow of getting -- 3:23

2.    sorrow of keeping -- 3:22

3.    sorrow of leaving -- 3:18-21

b.    What then LEAVE for children --

1.    a good relationship with God --

2.    A good name --  7:1

3.    Fond remembrance of life --

4.    Ability to make it on their own ..


Some inequities of life cannot be changed -- 1:15

a.     with many, can on react to such --   7:13-14

1.    rich not live to enjoy -

2.    sometimes evil in high places --

3.    ch. 3 -- 'life'!

b.    Some we will NOT understand -- 7:23-24


Worldly pleasure --

a.     is NOT evil within itself --

b.    It IS 'transitory' -- 'fleeting' --

c.     Learn to enjoy WITH A VIEW OF OUR RELATIONSHIP TO GOD -- 11:9ff


There is a judgment to come -- we WILL die -- 8:8,