Anti -denominational
The church = God's
A. The called out, (of the world - from sin to righteousness, serve God -
B. Called by the gospel - 2 Thess. 2:14,
1. All called by the same gospel, to be the same thing, to worship and serve god as he directs
Used in two senses:
1. All who ever have been called by the gospel
Matt. 16: I shall build my church.
2. Those in a local group who meet together to function as God directs - 1 Cor.
The unity of such
should be manifest:
1 Cor. 4:17 taught same everywhere in every church.
1 Cor. 14:33, God not the author of confusion
Jn. 17:20-21 Jesus prayed for unity of his followers1
Rom. 15:6 one mouth to glorify god1
Eph. 1:22 church = body
Eph. 4:4 only one body
Eph. 2:14ff: early "division'1 = jew and gentile, even that not tolerated (Peter stood condemned for such, Gal. 2)
Why is there such in
1. Exalt men, 1 Cor. 1:10-13;
2. Exalt philosophy of men, 1 Cor. 1:18ff
How try to justify
John 15: vine and the branches?
1. NO denominations then--hence not speak of them
2. Was to apostles--individuals
1 Cor. 12: many parts of one body.
1. body = one church, 12'.20
2. Members (individuals) = parts (not denominational bodies)
3. How explain 1 Cor. 14:33?? 1:10?? 4:17??
Rom. 16:16
1. Denominations not exist then- not speaking of them.
2. These "churches" were local churches--but only those that belonged to Christ- all having been taught the same thing.
We cannot have N.T.
Christianity NOW
1. Why not????? Because you will not follow the n.t.???
A. Bible inadequate? 2 Tim. 3:15-16;
B. Time different???
Was the bible lost
during the dark ages? No
1. Vatican - siniaticus1
2. vulgate,
3. syrian
4. manuscripts;
One church as good as
1. There is only one church (god's people-
2. If mean man-made organization, yes, cause none are what the lord asked us to be.
It doesn't matter what
you believe.
1. It does in every other area (banking? school, court)
2. It does if it is a lie 2 thess1 2:11-12
3. Paul was sincerely wrong in believing Jesus a false teacher--Acts 23:1; 26:9