Hebrews 8:6-13

1. Are TWO covenants - old and new

2. Old - DONE away -

a. problem - not ‘justify’ - but condemn

b. sacrifice ‘insufficient’ to take away sins - Heb. 9:9-13, 10:1-4,

3. NEW established - BY WHICH -

4. YET - are similarities - for the character of God not change -

5. Look at some in the decalogue -

1. must worship GOD -

a. Ex. 20:1-3, Deut. 5: -

b. John 4:20-24,

c. Eph. 4:19,

2. idolatry is wrong

a. Exod. 20:4 -

b. Acts 17:29 -

c. 1 Cor. 8:4-6

d. 1 Cor. 10:7, 14

e. 1 John 5:21

f. Col. 3:5 - broadened to include $ - greed,

3. Swearing - a ‘vain’ use of God’s name

A. Ex. 20:7, Deut. 5:11, Deut. 6:13 Lev. 19:12

B. Matt 5:34-37 -

C. the Jewish mis-use of oaths condemned - truth, fulfill word -


a. Exod. 20:8-11 - , Deut. 5:1ff

1. A command TO Israel -

2. Commanded TO Israel BECAUSE delivered from Egypt - Deut. 5:15

3. Hence - A SIGN TO Israel - Deut. 5:15,

4. Made KNOWN at Sinai - Nehemiah 9:13-14,

b. We are under law to Christ (1 Cor. 9: ) -

1. Christians - Acts 20:7 - 1st, day of week - cp. 1 Cor. 16:

2. Col. 2:14-17, etc.


a. Exod. 20:12 -

b. Eph. 6:1-3 ,

c. HONOR - respect, regard for,

6. murder -

a. Exod. 20:13 -

b. 1 Pet. 4:15 - let none of you suffer as a murderer ……

c. Expanded to the ‘hate’ in the heart that spawns such action - Mtt. 5:21; 1 John 3:15

7. Adultery -

a. Exod. 20:15 -

b. A work of the flesh - Gal. 5:19f,

c. Condemned - Heb. 13:5 -

d. Lusts - Matt. 4:27,,

8. Stealing

a. Exodus 20;15 -

b. 1 Pet. 4: 15

c. Eph. 4:28

9. Lying

a. actual - ‘bearing false witness’ - a lying witness, false accusations -

b. Eph. 4:25 -

d. Rev. 21:8 - all liars

10. Covetousness

a. Exod. 10:17 -

b. a desire - wrong in that

1. is for that which is unlawful…

2. is for that which would be harmful to others.

3. is that which rules our life -

c. Col. 3:5 -,

d. NOT serve God and Mammon - Matt. 6



1. Greatest law - Deut. 6:5

2. 2nd - Lev. 19:18

3. Not require faith in Christ - John 8:24,

4. Not make mention of repentance - Acts 17:30 -, Luke 13:3

5. Not require baptism for remission of sins - Acts 2:38 -