I. Introduction

1. When I was growing up, we use to sing a song - "Give Me That Ol Time Religion."

A. One of the phrases was, "If it was good enough for Paul and Silas, its good enough for me."

2. Jesus is the Son of God.

A. Peter tells us he left us an example that we should follow in his steps (1 Peter 2:21).

B. I don't know of anyone better to follow, do you?

3. Some, even in the church, ridicule book, chapter, and verse preaching.

A. Although the Bible was not divided into chapters and verses in Jesus day, does he leave us an example on how to use it?

II. Jesus Use Of Scripture

1. The book of Matthew was written to the Jews.

A. It contains 60 references to OT passages.

B. Chapters 5-7 show what Jesus TAUGHT.

(1). Chapters 8-9 show what Jesus WROUGHT.

(2). Chapters 10ff illustrate reactions to Jesus by what the people THOUGHT.

C. Notice how Jesus used the Bible of his day to reply to positive and negative reactions to his ministry.

2. In Matthew 4 when he was tempted, he replied, "It is written" three times.

A. Although the devil tried this once, he misapplied the text.

B. The results of correctly handling scripture is seen in verse 11. Also see Luke 4:13.

3. In Matthew 5-7 Jesus points out "Ye have heard" and then states, "But I say."

A. As a result, people noticed the difference (Matthew 7:282,29).

4. In Matthew 9:10-13, when confronted by the Pharisees, Jesus reminded them of what the scriptures said.

5. In Matthew 12:1-3,5, when the Pharisees criticized Jesus and his disciples, Jesus again went to the scriptures.

A. "Have ye not read what David did...?"

B. "Or have ye not read in the law?"

6. Matthew 13:13-17 - again, notice Jesus quotes scripture to make his points.


7. Matthew 15:1-9.

A. Jesus used scripture to reply to tradition.

B. Do we have tradition?

C. Are we bound by culture?

D. One could preach another lesson on how some tradition (culture) is tied in with scripture and why we should not destroy the church in that culture by failing to respect it, whereas other traditions, such as the one Jesus replied to here, should be confronted.

(1). Of course, one should be as wise as Solomon on how he explains some things!

8. Matthew 19:3,4 - Jesus answers their question with "Have ye not read?"

A. On the divorce question, we need to ask the same question.

9. Matthew 21:23, 42

A. Jews asked "By what authority doest thou these things? and who gave thee this authority?"

B. Jesus replied: "Did ye never read in the scriptures?"

10. Matthew 22:29

A. Jesus is confronted by the Sadducees on the resurrection.

B. His reply: "Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God."

(1). We can know the scriptures but not recognize Gods power and miss the point.

(2). We can recognize the power of God (Pentecostals), but fail to recognize the scriptures and miss the point.

C. Results of Jesus use of scripture (v.33).

III. Conclusion

1. If quoting scripture was good enough for Jesus, it ought to be good enough for me. You.

2. Jesus was the Son of God, yet he used the scriptures as his authority.

A. We should too.


Ray Hawk *

90 McDaniel Drive *

Jackson, TN 38305-2528 *

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