Men's Spiritual Leadership Responsibilities.

This is the key issue - throughout the scriptures, men have been given the responsibility of being spiritual leaders. This can be seen in the 'Patriarchal age' (its very name signifies this principle), under the Mosiacal system, and even through out the New Testament era.

Some points that we are considering as true for this study would include:

The Bible is inspired of God ... all of it.

The Bible (hence God) has taught this principle.

We are to FOLLOW God's teaching -

whether it is in accord with society or not.

This study relied heavily upon several books. LaGard Smith's _______________ ; Jack Cottrell's Bible and Femenism; Hicks and Morton's Woman's Role In The Church.

Table of Contents

Genesis Examples

God Is Revealed in Male Terminology

Women under the Law

Male Leadership In OT

Prophetesses in the OT

Paganism and Women

Good OT Examples of Women

Jesus and Women

The Church and Women


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Genesis Examples

Adam Created First

Woman was Created as a suitable mate FOR the man

Patriarchal Sacrifices

First Born

First Sin

First Punishments


12 Tribes based on MALES

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Adam Created First

It is beyond dispute that God created Adam first. While this alone proves very little, it is significant in that is sets us up to understand WHY there is woman.

God created BOTH, both in the image of God.

Yet he created them MALE and FEMALE. They are different. This is not to say unequal - for different has little if anything to do with equality. Men & women are equal with reference to God - but DIFFERENT with reference to each other. They are NOT interchangeable.

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Woman FOR Man

Having named and seen all the animals of God's creation, there was NOT a 'suitable mate' found. It was NOT good for the man to be alone - so God made a helper suitable for him. See notes on helper.

She can communicate, feel emotions, think, - both are rational, emotional, physical, and spiritual.

This is the argument Paul made in 1 Tim. 2:13 - "for Adam was first formed, then Eve.

Before 'culture', before 'tradition' before all such considerations, God created them male and gave unto him spiritual responsitilies as the leader.

He COULD have

· created both at the same time.

· created the woman first.

· created the man first.

Hence - it was a CHOICE of God.

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Patriarchal Sacrifices

During the time of these patriarchs, we see a common picture of the MEN being the ones to offer up sacrifices in worship.

Cain and Able



This is NOT to say that women didn't worship - it just shows that such public worship (even if 'family') was lead / initiated by men.

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First Born

The concept of the 1st born is a reoccurring theme in Genesis.

The genealogy was traced through such (see Gen. 5)

The 'birthright' - the right of inheritance - came through the 1st born.

(This is reiterated in the law - Deuteronomy 21:17 - But he shall acknowledge the son of the hated [for] the firstborn, by giving him a double portion of all that he hath: for he [is] the beginning of his strength; the right of the firstborn [is] his.

See further on this under the LAW

See further on this under CHRIST

Christ - the 1st born

Col. 1:17-18 - 1st born was a position of pre-eminence. a 'position' of spiritual leadership.

Return To Women In Genesis

 First Sin

Paul said "By ONE MAN sin entered the world...." Rom. 5:

Eve - deceived, sinned '1st' -

Gave to Adam and he ate -

Apparently He WAS there,

Genesis 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree [was] good for food, and that it [was] pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make [one] wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

but exercised no guidance, did not show spiritual leadership in withstanding such temptation, but rather FOLLOWED the leading of the wife.

It was HERE that he failed - fell short of his position of responsibility.

They both sinned - each was responsible for own actions....

Adam not only ate ... but exercised NO spiritual responsibility as a leader.

God told ADAM not to eat - nowhere told EVE.

Adam was cursed for 'listening to his wife' - when he should have been showing spiritual leadership and responsibility. Gen. 3:17

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 First Punishments

Serpent -

enmity between woman's seed and 'his seed' - spiritual warfare.

Woman -

pain in childbirth

'desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.


ground is cursed - hence toil for food.

This was 'decreed' - not just 'predicted' -

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Obviously male - but what was the significance?

It symbolized the covenant relationship.

But - the covenant was 'race' - and race is genealogy, and genealogy was tied to a lineage based upon males.

A symbol again of the male spiritual leadership principle.

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12 Tribes Based On Males

There was a daughter as well as the sons of Israel - Dinah. She was as much an offspring as any of the men - but that was not considered part of the spiritual headship of families.

Headship was through Male descendents - hence only 12 tribes & not 13.

Spiritual headship was through the males - not females.

Return To Women In Genesis

God Revealed In Male Terms

It is evident that in the Bible, God is revealed in MALE terms.

While there are some female traits (see Deut. 32:18; Isa 42:14; Isa. 49:15 for examples) - such traits are predominantly given in male terms.

For every one of the female passages you can see SCORES upon SCORES where the mail trait IS emphasized.

As spirit, God is genderless --- as revealed in 'roles' is MALE

He could have revealed himself in genderless terminology - but He did NOT.

Even the incarnation - Jesus became a man, the son of God -

WHY? What is the significance of all this?

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Women Under the Law

Ceremonial Uncleanness at Childbirth

Valuation for Dedications - Lev. 27:1-8

Concerning Rape Victims

Freeing Slaves

Ratification of Vows

Marriage to a captive woman

If Virginity Doubted


Tests for Woman's 'adultery'

Inheritance of Daughters

Distinctive Clothing


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Ceremonial Uncleanness at Childbirth

This section has to do with the Ceremonial Uncleanness associated with childbirth - Leviticus 12:1-5}. The interesting difference is in how long they were considered unclean.

Declared unclean:

for having a BOY - 7 days

for having a GIRL - 14 days

Purified in how long

after having a boy = 33 days

after having a girl = 66 days

There WAS a difference made. That is about all that can be shown here.

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Valuation for Dedication

To dedicate children unto the Lord, they were given a "value".-

(See Leviticus 27:1-8).

Boys were valued in such spiritual setting MORE than the girls.

Again, the point is the difference in the spiritual setting between male and female - they were not interchangeable.

Return to Women Under Law

Concerning Rape Victims

In Deuteronomy 22:28-29 is recorded the law concerning the rape of a virgin.

If she was 'unpledged', THEN:

He paid 50 shekels of silver.

He had to marry her.

He could NEVER divorce her.

This was not a recognized way of finding a wife, it was rather a law that was meant to deter the crime. Again it not only shows a difference between men and women - it was given as a safeguard for women.

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Freeing of Slaves

In Exodus 21:7-11, the law states you could sell your children - but there were some 'conditions' - based upon whether they were MALE or FEMALE.

Male - released after 7 years

Female law were different -

NEVER to be turned out -

Would have devastated her - financial disaster.

Not to be sold to foreigner

If given to masters son as concubine, master had to treat her as his own daughter

Such was for FEMALE protection. It seems to be intended to keep them from being abused. In other countries where they had no such laws - women were horribly mistreated.

While both could be sold - only the women were given these rights.

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Ratification of Vows

Numbers 30:3-16 - shows again the male headship.

A woman's pledge or vow was NOT binding unless ratified by her husband or father.

Such law was given BY THE LORD - vs. 16.

Such law was ONLY given concerning the DAUGHTER, not the son.

We see again in a spiritual setting that the leadership was declared to be that domain belonging to men.

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 Marriage to Captive Women

Deuteronomy. 21:10-14 - provided that the men of Israel could marry women of spoil. They had the following conditions applied to them however:

He must give her a full month to mourn her parents.

He could NEVER treat her as slave or sell her.

This again would have been for the protection of the women.

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If Virginity Doubted

In Deut. 22:13-21 we find yet another female only provision.

If a woman was charged of non-virginity at time of marriage the law provided that:

If FALSE - husband fined for slander

If TRUE - wife stoned for promiscuity

There was NO such law concerning the husband. Perhaps this seems unfair - but again is was for the protection of the woman.

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Concerning Divorce

The law is contained in Deut. 24:1-4. The basic provision was that once a man divorced his wife, he could NEVER remarry IF she married someone else. The purpose of this seems to be that it would make a man rethink such divorce - hopefully to NOT do it at all.

Again this was for hardness of hearts of males - (so said Jesus in Mtt. 19).

Again it is a law that shows the difference between men and women.

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Accused of Adultery

In Numbers 5:11-31, the law provided the way to prove or exonerate a woman so accused. Such could be seen as a male-oriented double standard or RATHER, seen as protection for godly women. It would seem to be there to protect the innocent. Again, it was a reflection of the 'hardness of hearts' that could be found in the men.

Again - there is a difference between men and women.

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Inheritance of daughters

The law of inheritance was basically for SONS. There was no provision for daughters. Then in Num. 27:1-11 there is the exception of daughters ONLY -

if there were NO sons, THEN the daughters were to receive the inheritance.

Then in Num. 36:1-13 even that was RESTRICTED - it required such daughters to marry ONLY within her TRIBE.

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Distinctive Clothing Required

Deut. 22:5 shows God's intent for a distinction of sexes to be kept.

"The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so [are] abomination unto the LORD thy God."

While we do not know WHAT such distinction was (male vs. Female robe?) - we CAN see that they are not interchangeable. The law clearly made a distinction between male and female.

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Conclusion of Women Under Law

There was a distinction between male & female.

The male was dominate.

The female was protected from harsh treatment.

Such was by divine revelation.

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Male Leadership In OT

This section is to show the principle of male leadership as it was given in the law of Moses.

Men Priests


Priest's Daughters = special laws

Concerning Offerings

Concerning Feasts


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Men Priests

Aaron and his SONS appointed priests - Ex. 30:30

And thou shalt anoint Aaron and his sons, and consecrate them, that [they] may minister unto me in the priest's office. (KJV)

It did NOT include daughters - it was male spiritual leadership.

It had nothing to do with women's abilities, it was a decree of God.

While there were many good women in the OT and while there were some women who did prophecy, there were NO women priests. This was NOT because they were incapable of such duty - for they were not. It DOES show the principle of male spiritual leadership - such principle was given by revelation from God.

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It was the MEN of the tribe of Levi that were appointed to spiritual service in Num. 3:5-10.

Women - worked along side in support

Helped MAKE the tabernacle, Ex. 35:20-29

BUT - they were not in positions of leadership - nor in positions of public service.

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Priest's Daughters = special laws

These Special laws were only for daughters such as in Leviticus 21:9 - that if one was a prostitute she was to be burnt with fire.

And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire. (KJV)

No such provision for sons was given.

No such provision for daughters of NON-priests was given.

Is there a parallel with elders children? A thought.

Return To Male Leadership In OT

 Concerning Offerings - women restricted

The most holy offerings were to be eaten by MALES of priestly family - Num. 18:10. In the most holy [place] shalt thou eat it; every male shall eat it: it shall be holy unto thee. (KJV)

The women were NOT included (hence, excluded.)

Wave offerings - given to BOTH sons / daughters


· When given in SUPPRORT - all of family would eat.

· When offerings were central to the worship itself (grain, guilt, and sin offerings) was restricted to MALES

POINT - male spiritual leadership.

Notice also Lev. 6:17-18:

17 It shall not be baken with leaven. I have given it [unto them for] their portion of my offerings made by fire; it [is] most holy, as [is] the sin offering, and as the trespass offering.

18 All the males among the children of Aaron shall eat of it. [It shall be] a statute for ever in your generations concerning the offerings of the LORD made by fire: every one that toucheth them shall be holy. (KJV)

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Concerning Feasts

It is interesting that the MEN were required to attend the 3 great feasts (Deut. 16:16).

This SHOWS several things:

A difference of men & women in worship.

PROBABLY required because of the spiritual apathy of MEN -

Most religious books stores frequented by women

Most religious services attended by women

Return To Male Leadership In OT

Conclusion of Men in OT

Women were never put in positions of headship or leadership - either in families or public worship.

Spiritual leadership was legislated for MALES.

Such was not CUSTOM, but revealed LAW, - it may have BECOME custom, but it did not START that way.

Despite the perversion and abuse, it was consistent.

· In the Garden - male spiritual leadership.

· In Patriarchal time - male spiritual leadership.

· Under Moses - male spiritual leadership.

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Prophetesses in the OT

Exceptions and not the rule




Conclusion of Women Prophetesses

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Exceptions and Not the RULE

Yes, there were women who prophesied. This however was the exception - NOT the rule.

First, there are only a handful that can be named.

Second, NONE were used for writing of Gods word.

In each case of such women prophetesses there is the indication of male responsibility - that is, such prophetesses would only signify the FAILURE of men. To encourage such as the NORM, would only be to further drift from Gods given pattern.

Even with this, the exceptions were NOT put in formal spiritual leadership roles -

Never made PRIESTS -

Never made KINGS

Such women prophetesses do not change the principle of male spiritual leadership.

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Miriam was the sister of Moses and Aaron. She is mentioned several times in the scriptures.

At Red Sea, she led the WOMEN in praise.

Micah 6:4 - I sent Moses to lead you, also Aaron and Miriam

Then there is the case of Rebellion AGAINST Moses - Num. 12.

Here both Aaron and Miriam guilty.

Miriam is smitten with leprosy - 12:14-15.

WHY the discrepancy???

Aaron was NOT condemned in this way - though also rebuked.

They were BOTH from the same family,

They both were considered sent from God,

The ONLY difference seems to BE - FEMALE.

A woman, attempting to step into the role of male spiritual leadership - and being rebuked for such.

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She was a Judge - a deliverer, a military leader.

Not necessarily a spiritual leader - i.e., Sampson, etc.....

She was called a prophetess - Jud. 4:4-10.

She agreed to GO with Barak -

but included a rebuke concerning women being given such honor / glory

. He should have willingly taken such leadership position.

This a picture again of the failure of men - no spiritual leadership, not even leadership of protecting their country.

The real victory here - the restoring of a courageous, vibrant sense of leadership among the men of Israel. (see Judges 5:2 , 6-9)

This was not a precedent and call for women to take the spiritual leadership of Israel -

This was Not a call for them to be put in as priests and levites...

RATHER - a call for the return of strong, godly MALE leadership.

It is not a matter of saying to women that they CANT lead.

It is a matter of saying to MEN that women shouldn't HAVE TO lead!

Return to Prophetesses in the OT


The Priests of this time period didn't even KNOW where to FIND Gods book - What a commentary on the male leadership of the times.

Huldah was a prophetess - she spoke Gods word to them.

Was she a leader -

not in the sense of being put into the priesthood,

not being made a levite,

not in having a perpetuating position -

she was NOT made a priest - or a king.

Return to Prophetesses in the OT

Conclusion of Women Prophetesses

It was RARE,

It was NOT perpetual -

They Were not in positions of leading public worship

- no priesthood, no role a levites, etc


To use these as justification for equality in leadership roles is not only without foundation, but a perversion of the scriptures.

EACH rather shows that it SHOULD have been the male who exercised such spiritual leadership - but they had FAILED.

It was NOT to change the principle - turn it over to women, but to raise up again Godly men who would fulfill their responsibilities.

Return to Prophetesses in the OT

Paganism and Women

This section shows the lure of Female-oriented paganism and its effect upon Israel in the Old Testament.

Condemned By Ezekiel

Midianite Women

Wives of Solomon

Foreign Wives

Rebuked by Isaiah


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Condemned By Ezekiel

Both men and women were condemned -

Women - tied with pagan practices - Ezekiel 13:18 , 20-21

18 And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes, and make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature to hunt souls! Will ye hunt the souls of my people, and will ye save the souls alive that come unto you?

20 Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against your pillows, wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make them fly.

21 Your kerchiefs also will I tear, and deliver my people out of your hand, and they shall be no more in your hand to be hunted; and ye shall know that I am the LORD.

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Midianite Women

The men of Israel seduced into worship of Baal -

When they should have then killed both the men and the women

- they allowed the women to yet live!

Yet is was THESE that were the MEANS of turning them after Baal -

Numbers 31:15-16

15 And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?

16 Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD. (KJV)

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Solomon's Wives

Deut. 17:17 - not take many wives, or his heart will be led astray - AND IT WAS.

Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away: neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold. (KJV)

Not just FOREIGN wives, but MANY wives,

for it becomes that much harder to maintain independent, spiritual leadership among such -

Foreign wives only complicated - and led him astray... 1 Kings 11:1-8

Jeremiah's time - women burning incense to other gods -

and the men failed to exercise their leadership - condemned! Jer. 44:15-19

Such did not BEGIN with the wives, but again would have begun earlier when the men failed to properly exercise their spiritual leadership - they were not spiritually strong nor did they lead their families to be so.

That was the sin.

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Foreign Wives - Deut. 7:3

This warning was because of the paganism -

Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son. (KJV)

AGAIN - NOT just because foreign!

The danger can readily be seen in Solomon's case.

The situation played out in Nehemiah's time - Nehemiah 13:23-27 where such pagan wives again led their husbands into paganism and idolatry.

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Isaiah's Rebuke

This was a rebuke of women who did not maintain their position - stepping out on their own authority -

refusing to be seen as under a man

(see - Isa. 3:16-21; 32:9-11)

These were NOT oppressed, 2nd class citizen, but the leading women of the time...

The Problem of MEN failing again to provide the leadership is seen in Isa. 3:12-14

12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.

13 The LORD standeth up to plead, and standeth to judge the people.

14 The LORD will enter into judgment with the ancients of his people, and the princes thereof: for ye have eaten up the vineyard; the spoil of the poor is in your houses.

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The problem seen today in the New Age movement - predominantly female.

This does not by itself prohibit women from leadership -

but it does historically show the problem that is often associated with such.

There is actually more mention of such FALSE religious leadership by women than example such as Deborah.

Return To Paganism And Women

Good OT Examples of Women

There are many examples of good, godly women in the Old Testament. A study of them however will NOT lead one to the conclusion that such were ever put into roles of spiritual leadership or authority.


Wise Woman of Abel Beth Maacah

Queen of Sheba

Worthy Woman of Proverbs 31

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The story of this woman is recorded for us in 1 Sam. 25:30-33. She was married but her husband was a fool - even his name (Nabal) meant fool.

She acted on her own to persuade David not to attack after her husband had insulted David's men.

She even gave GOOD advise to THE KING -

She was NOT ever put in position of spiritual leadership.

God has NOT called men to spiritual leadership because they are SUPERIOR in such

- but He called them non-the-less.

Return To Good OT Examples

 Wise Woman of Abel Beth Maacah

When Joab would have killed the whole city to get to Sheba -

She had the better tactic -

She persuaded the city (including the men) to throw Sheba's head over the wall

- rather than having the whole city killed.

Again, there is no warrant here for then elevating her to a position of Priest, Levite, or perpetual headship and spiritual leadership.

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 Queen of Sheba

Women, even foreign women CAN show desire to learn about the True God of heaven and serve him.

She used by Jesus to condemn the spiritual slowness of the men in His time -

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 Worthy Woman of Proverbs 31

In all of her good, strong traits, there is not even a HINT of her becoming a public, spiritual leader among

Gods people.

Surely, such a woman would have been more spiritual and moral than most of the priests

- even the high priests.

But that is not then to mean she should replace them.

She was a leader, she was a spiritual leader, but it was different than the realm of her husband.

Return To Good OT Examples

Jesus and Women

Women and Jesus

Mary the mother of Jesus

Anna the prophetess

Samaritan Woman

Canaanite Woman

Adulterous Woman

Woman Who Washed Jesus Feet

Women of Honor in Jesus Ministry

Martha and Mary

Mary and Martha of John 12

Women at the Crucifixion

Women at the Tomb

Conclusion of Jesus and Women

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 Women and Jesus

Jesus entered into the world with this background of male headship - what do we see with His treatment of women. Did He elevate them places of headship among the people? Did he choose them to fulfill the spiritual leadership needs of the people?

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 Mary the mother of Jesus

Without a doubt she was A Special woman - the angels greeting, Luke 1:28-38.

She however was NOT a sinless woman, nor to be venerated and worshipped - but was blessed among women non-the-less - Luke 1:46-49.

Though she was the mother of Jesus, she was never put as a leader of Gods people - she was not called to be a priest or leader in the temple or synagogue - let alone as an apostle, a preacher, a deacon...

Jesus said concerning her:

Luke 11:27-28 - more blessed are those who obey God

Mtt. 12:46-48 - who is my mother - whoever does the will of Father in heaven....

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 Anna the prophetess

We do not KNOW anything about her prophecies except her speaking about Jesus in Luke 2:36-48. Though she was a prophetess, she was NOT called to the priesthood, she was not instrumental in the worship of the temple, she was not one of the elders of Israel. As with the other women who prophesied, she did not undo the male spiritual leadership principle.

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 Samaritan Woman

This woman had 2 strikes against her - she was a woman and she was a Samaritan. Jesus dealt with her on the basis of her own spiritual relationship with God - calling her to faith in Him as the messiah. Such was the equality that he showed - ALL can be religious, ALL can be right with God.

She did go and tell the city - but HOW? Was it a call to publicly proclaim the gospel? NO. Did she become the preacher of the city? NO. Was she elevated to position of spiritual headship? Did she lead the people in worship? NO, NO, NO -

Being saved on an equal basis as men did not mean that she was then to be made a spiritual leader over men.

Return To Jesus And Women

 Canaanite Woman

Though the disciples would have sent her away - Jesus dealt with her as one of great faith - a statement that is not found often in the bible.

It begins and ends here - nothing further to show about her being a spiritual leader , the head of the synagogue, or any other position of leadership. It DOES show that women, gentiles can be SAVED.

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Adulterous Woman

While she was forgiven - this wold not prove anything about Jesus elevating such to positions of equality in leadership or role position with men.

There is an implicit rebuke of the failing spiritual leadership of these hypocritical men - but that is NOT proof of their being dismissed and replaced by more spiritually minded women.

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Woman Who Washed Jesus Feet

The story about this 'Sinful' woman washes Jesus feet is recorded for us in Luke 7:36-50.

Again, while forgiven - not indication of anything other than that.

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Women of Honor in Jesus Ministry

Luke 8:1-3 - Mary (Magdalene), Joanna, Susanna, and many others.

These HELPED TO SUPPORT - even out of their own means.

Were they given positions of leadership - NO

Were they asked to take an active part in the public preaching and teaching - NO.

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Martha and Mary

This story is told in Luke 10:38-42.

Mary WAS spiritual - choosing the GOOD part.

What more can one prove - nothing.

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Mary and Martha of John 12

These women are possibly the same as in Luke 10 - but ???

Mary anointed Jesus for burial - performing an act of service that the men had not seen fit to do. For this she was commended - would be spoken of by other generations -


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Women at the Crucifixion

Mark 15:40-41, these faithful women came and watched this horrible event.

See also Luke 23:48-49.

There is nothing more to learn here about making any of them leaders among God's people.

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Women at the Tomb

These women were going there to again perform a service - the proper burial of Jesus. Jesus appeared to them.

Mark 16:9 - first to Mary Magdalene.

Mtt. 28:8-10 - then to other women

Luke 24:11 - they returned and informed the apostles - who did not believe.

What is there in this to learn about women in spiritual leadership roles?

Return To Jesus And Women

Conclusion of Jesus and women

Jesus treated women with respect - acknowledging their spiritual awareness and their independent

relationship to God based upon forgiveness.

Jesus rebuked the men of his day for their abuse and high-handed treatment of women (like the adulteress) -

Jesus did NOT make them part of the leadership -

He did not choose them to be apostles,

He did not choose them to be sent out to preach the limited commission - Luke 10:1-16

Was it just because doing such would have offended the establishment?

First, such an argument grants the obvious - Jesus did NOT put women in such positions!

Second, When did Jesus ever worry about offending the established religious teachers?

Return To Jesus And Women

The church and Women

Acts 2 and the day of Pentecost

Joel 2 and women prophetesses

Philips daughters

Women praying and prophesying in 1 Cor 11

Equality was of relationship

First Deacons were Male

Priscilla and her husband Aquila

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Acts 2 and the day of Pentecost

Women were present in Acts 2 - the beginning of the church. Some of them had been with Jesus and the Apostles. However, it was the apostles (men) who were endowed with the Spirit and began the preaching of the gospel.

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Joel 2 and women prophetesses

This was nothing NEW - for SOME women did this in the OT also.

Yet prophesying by women never changed the role of MALE spiritual leadership and headship in the Old Testament. Neither does it here in the New Testament.

Return To The Church And Women

Philips daughters

Again, there were SOME women who prophesied in the Old Testament - but that did NOT change the principle of Male Spiritual Leadership. It doesn't change it here either. Concerning these women it may be asked: Were they:

given a position of leadership among the church? NO

made leaders in public worship? NO

set in a position of headship over Gods people? NO

Nothing more really proven except there is NO indication that male spiritual leadership has been changed or even challenged.

Return To The Church And Women

Women praying and prophesying in 1 Cor. 11

It is admitted that such women did - even as SOME women prophesied in the Old Testament. They were NOT to be considered EQUAL in function as men - which can be seen in that they are to remain veiled and the men are to be unveiled. While they did pray and prophecy - if they did so in a way to try and show they were on the same level as the men who did these things - they were WRONG.

There was NOT an elevation to leadership of these women - but rather an renewal of the headship of men in such regards.

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Equality was of relationship

The New Testament does teach an equality of relationship - both men and women equally related TO God. That does not mean they were equally related to each other - nor able to function in all of the same roles and responsibilities. Notice the equality as seen in the New Testament.

Acts 8;12 - both MEN and WOMEN obeyed the gospel

Acts 17:4 - even prominent women obeyed the gospel

Acts 17:12 - even GREEK women obeyed the gospel -

Acts 17:34 - a woman named Damaris, and a number of others

Acts 9:36 - Dorcas - doing good and helping the poor -

Acts 16:13-15, Lydia (a respectable business woman in her own right) - obeyed the gospel.


This is the equality of Gal. 3. It is equality in salvation - NOT roles or authority. The same author who wrote this also wrote 1 Cor. 11, 1 Cor. 14, and 1 Tim. 2 - he did NOT contradict himself.

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First Deacons were Male

Without any controversy, all of the first deacons were male. It was an official recognition, a public role of serving the church. This was in an area that most would say the women are more naturally inclined to fulfill, yet NO WOMEN were chosen for this.

It is NOT that women didn't serve others - doing good works, for many (such as Dorcas) did. Yet, there is NO indication that they were to be chosen to be in a position of leadership in such - NOT even leadership of serving.

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Priscilla and her husband Aquila

These seem to be husband and wife. As such, they BOTH taught Apollos the way of truth more accurately ..Acts 18:24-26. There again is NO indication of any shared spiritual leadership or headship -

For one to see such in this passage is to read INTO the passage what you WANT to find.

Likewise there is NO indication that she was an elder, or a deacon, or any other role as a spiritual leader.

Women CAN teach without being in positions of leadership - privately teaching. They can teach a man. What has been prohibited is teaching or having authority OVER a man.

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Five pillars of feminism.

In trying to understand how the feminist movement can take the same Bible as we do and come to completely different viewpoints on the role of women in the church we must take into consideration their assumptions or background viewpoints. To this end I would suggest there are 5 main pillars that they use to come to their various viewpoints. These would include:

1. The concept of mutual submission.

2. The word "head" as it is used to describe the husband's or man's role means "origin" or "source"; it never means "leader" or "one in authority."

3. Paul's prohibition of women as teachers of men in 1 Tim. 2:12 was intended to be limited to the church at Ephesus and intended even there to be temporary.

4. The kind of authority that Paul does not allow women to exercise in 1 Tim. 2:12 is not ordinary authority but a sinful, domineering authority.

5. Paul's statement in Gal. 3:28 was intended to erase ALL role distinctions between men and women for all time.

Let us take a look at each of these.

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mutual submission


This pillar is based upon Eph. 5:51 and is taken to mean that where subjection is taught it is to be RECIPROCAL AND MUTUAL. Men are to be in subjection to women even as women are to be in subjection to men. This in effect denies any concept of gender based roles of leadership and submission.

Submission is taught in this passage concerning several relationships not just man and woman. IF vs. 21 modifies the submission of women then it should modify equally the other relationships making them reciprocal and mutual. If the principle doesn't work for these other relationships then we can know that it isn't a principle at all (or that we have misunderstood what the real principle was).

Does it work concerning fathers and children? Are fathers ever taught to be "in subjection to their children"?

Does it work concerning master and slave? Are we to understand that masters are just as obligated to be in subjection to the slave as the slave is the master?

Does it work concerning Christ and the church? Are we to understand that Christ is just as much in subjection to the church as the church is to Christ?


The real principle taught here is that we are to submit ourselves to one another where the circumstances call for it. "Submit to one another wherever your position in life requires such submission, as it does for wives, children, and slaves. If you are a wife, submit to your husband, If you are a child, submit to your parents. If you are a slave, submit to your master. We are told to "be subject to one another" because the various authority-submission relationships often may overlap. The wife submits to her husband, but the husband in turn owes submission to the elders of the church. It is conceivable that the same person could have been both a slave in the home and an elder in the church, both yielding and receiving submission, both perhaps in relation to his master. And even elders, along with husbands, wives, slaves, and masters, owe submission to governing authorities (Rom. 13:1)" pg. 306, Feminism and the Bible.

The submission in Ephesians 5:21 is NOT mutual; in any relationship where it applies at all, it is one-directional.

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The normal / usual understanding of the word "head" (grk. = kephale) when it is used in a figurative sense (as here in Eph. 5:23) is "leader" or "one in authority".

Since this doesn't fit feminist theology, (meaning that it would lead to an understanding of gender based leadership), the word is redefined. It is affirmed that the word is NEVER metaphorically used to mean "chief, leader, or one in authority". Then it is affirmed that "kephale" was often used to mean "source" or "origin".

An exhaustive and authoritative study on this was done by Wayne Grudem, "Does kephale ("head") Mean "Source" or "Authority Over" in Greek Literature? A Survey of 2,336 Examples."

Conclusions drawn by him:

1. There are NO clear uses of kephale as "source" or "origin" in ancient Greek. He concludes: "In fact no Greek-speaking reader would have thought of the sense "source" when reading kephale."

2. He found it used 37 times in the metaphorical sense of "ruler" or "one of superior authority or rank" in writings OUTSIDE the NT. This does not include many of the early Christian writers, who used it often in this sense.

In the NT, kephale is paired with the wife's submission. She is to submit BECAUSE he is her HEAD. Likewise, it is paired with the church's submission to Christ BECAUSE He is its head (Eph. 5:23). See its usage in Eph. 1:22; Col. 1:18; 2:10;.

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1Tim 2:12

1 Tim. 2:12 = local and temporary in application.

In order to avoid the force of this passage, it is alleged that this prohibition was intended ONLY to apply to that situation and place. Such understanding revolves around five basic theses (assumptions?).

1st - This is said to be so BECAUSE we are told that there were women heretics at Ephesus.

What passages are alleged to prove such? - 1 Tim. 4:7; 5:11-15; and 2 Tim. 3:6-7. Reading these passages indicates rather these women were gossipers and VICTIMS of false teaching.

Why single out the WOMEN when there were so many MEN that were teaching false doctrine? (cp. 1 Tim. 1:19-20; 2 Tim. 2:17; 4:14-15; and Titus 1:10-11)

Whenever Paul condemns false teaching in these letters, (cp. 1 Tim. 1:3-11, 19-20; 4:1-10; 6:3-4, 20f; 2 Tim. 1:15; 2:14, 16-18, 23; 3:1-9, 13; 4:3-4; and Titus 1:10-16; 3:9-11) he always very clearly and specifically identifies it as false in one way or another. This is NOT so with the teaching / teachers of 1 Tim. 2!

2nd - These women were teaching such false doctrines because they were uneducated and not properly taught.

It is commonly ASSUMED that the women of Ephesus would have been uneducated and hence untaught in these matters. While this is a rather common concept it has been shown in numerous studies to not be the case especially for the women of the Roman era and of the Hellenistic area of Asia Minor where Ephesus was located.

3rd The prohibition uses the word teach (didasko) that is said to refer to the content of the teaching and not the act.

Does Didasko refer to the CONTENT of the teaching thus only condemning teaching that which is false rather than the ACT of teaching? No. Such alleged distinction between "didasko" and "didaskalia" is without foundation or fact. In fact a study of the two words would show that if such a distinction is to be made it would be exactly the OPPOSITE. While both words are used to refer to the act of teaching, it is didaskalia that is also used to refer to content.

Paul used Didasko rather because it unambiguously refers to the ACT of teaching.

4th Since Paul used the present tense "I do not allow" this is supposed to indicate such was only temporary or limited.

Present tense verbs most often represent continuing action and NOT "temporary" action.

5th the example of Adam and Eve is given only as an illustration of this sort of problem arguing that Eve was deceived BECAUSE she was not properly educated.

It is alleged that "plasso" (formed) refers to "shaping via education". The word means "to form or fashion out of a soft mass." The LXX used it in Gen. 2:7-8 to describe how God made man out of the dust. Another states that "the word did have the figurative meaning of "to fashion by education and training" in the Greek world and in Philo, "though hardly in the LXX and not at all in the NT"

1 Tim. Doesn"t say that Eve was unformed it only states that BOTH Adam and Eve were FORMED in the beginning. Eve was deceived but it had nothing to do with her being "formed" or "unformed".

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domineering authority

Authority in 1 Tim. 2:12 not allowed is sinful, domineering.

The word "authenteo" is the word that is under discussion here. It means basically to the ordinary and proper exercise of authority. The passage says that women are not to "teach or to exercise authority" OVER a man.

We are told though that the word was also used by the Greeks to speak of "to murder" or "to commit a crime". From here it is argued that such "authority" signifies destructive domination to have absolute power over persons in such a way as to destroy them. Hence, women are only prohibited from authority over a man that is sinful, domineering, and destructive.

First, while the word SOMETIMES had a negative connotation (i.e., to murder) it doesn"t follow that such a word then ALWAYS has a negative connotation. For example, luo can mean "to loose, to set free" and yet at other times can mean "to destroy, to break".

Did the Greeks use it to speak of authority in a non-destructive and non-evil sense? The answer is YES. In fact "the recognized meaning for the first century BC and AD … is "to have authority over". The nuance is positive, or at least neutral, but in any case there is no inherent negative overtone such as is suggested by the word "domineer".

Second, when authenteo meant authority there is no indication that it meant any kind of harsh, destructive, domineering authority.

Finally, if this WAS speaking of "evil, sinful, domineering authority", why did Paul restrict only the WOMEN from exercising such? If it was sinful authority being discussed surely Paul would have condemned and forbidden BOTH men and women from such. It wasn't women exercising sinful / domineering authority that was prohibited, it was women in religious relationships exercising authority over a man.

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Galatians 3:28

This verse is taken to mean that God erased ALL role distinctions. Hence any verse that would seem to teach any distinction in role, authority, or position is said to be either Paul's misunderstanding or our misunderstanding. Hence in effect this verse is often used to pit Paul against Paul.

This passage however is in context referring to the ability to inherit the blessings. Under the OT law such was restricted from gentiles, slaves and women. Now, under the new covenant ALL are able to inherit the blessings of Abraham All are considered God's children by adoption ALL are blessed in Christ.

This however doesn't deal with differences in role, responsibilities, or authority. Elders still are to be submitted to and women are not to be elders.

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