a. Intelligence?
b. Live?
c. Ought?
d. Concept of Eternity?
a. argues for complexity from simplicity -
b. argues for organization from chaos -
c. argues for design from accident
1. Murder IS, rape IS, stealing IS, slander IS,
2. Not that any one of them is WRONG, it just IS.
a. God made life, called it 'sacred', said to take such life was wrong - and the punishment was the forfeiture of one's own life.
b. RAPE is wrong - under OT was a capital offense.
c. LIE, stealing, cheating, etc. - are WRONG because we serve a moral GOD.
a. How get to be 'living being' from dead matter?
b. How get intelligence?
c. How get morality?
d. How get esthetic beauty ?
a. Selective breeding, canibalism, selective 'thinning' of stock -
b. Why wrong to do to humans what we do to animals?
(for those who think such is wrong even for animals - WHY????)
a. intelligence - able to speak and communicate,
b. Life - from a living God
d. Morals - and hence the judgment to come!