John 17:3
Hosea 6:6
Jeremiah 9:23-24
2. Infinite in Wisdom - Isa 40:28 (cp. 12-14)
3. Infinite in power - Almighty - Gen. 17:1, cp. Eph.
4. Eternal in the heavens - Ps. 90:1-2
5. Unchangeable in being - James 1:17
6. Unchangeable in holiness - Ps. 145:17 - The Holy One of Israel
7. Unchangeable in justice - Ps. 97:2
8. Unchangeable in goodness - Ps. 33:4-5
9. Unchangeable in truth - Heb. 6:17-18, Jn. 17:17
2. to reveal Himself to us,
3. to desire our companionship,
b. Can know about and NOT know!
c. Such'knowing'is part of all the great spiritual men and women of the Bible.
b. I John 3:6
b. We are merciful - because he was / is merciful to us.
c. We want to be righteous - always doing right - because He is righteous
d. We want to be generous (as opposed to selfish [stealing]) - because He -is so generous with us -